I'm finally getting around to starting the
omg_rookieblue re-watch, and oh dear.
How many characters can you fit in a comment box? No matter what the answer is, I have too many. I'm currently running at 1240 words, and I haven't even got to the locker-room scene in Fresh Paint yet.
It's a sickness, people.
It's going to take me a while, too. I have to keep stopping for painkiller breaks. I need to get my voice-to-text software trained to understand my accent. People with neutral accents do not get what a chore this is. I mean, okay, my accent is very non-standard, but c'mon. I can't even teach it by spelling stuff out because apparently every letter I say sounds like another. There is a reason I have the IPA memorised, and it's not just Dollhouse.
In other news, there's an awesome TVD ficathon happening.
Ahahaha, what have I got myself into?