(no subject)

Mar 31, 2008 22:32

Today in bullet points.

  • Work today wasn't too bad, despite being away for a week
  • I am enjoying everyones updates :)
  • Marta really missed me, in fact a lot of people said they had (aww) even the canteen staff (lol) had asked Marta where I was.
  • I had a really yummy dinner.
  • My friend Victoria has set a date for her wedding. And I'm planning it (apparently)
  • I had a sexy, yummy dream about Jensen last night. Booyeah.

  • My great aunt (who we called Tante) died this morning/late last night.  She was 87.
  • A very close friend of mine has also lost someone. I'm terribly sad for her and her family :(
  • My insomnia is back with a vengence.
  • My tfriends are getting divorced. They've only been married 6 months (been together 5 years tho) and I am truly gutted :(
  • Because I have a cold/infection, my stomach has flared upa little due to the infection and I'm trying/fighting very hard for it not to get worse.  (But i'm positve that I'll be super duper by the weeked)

  • My skin around my nose because of my cold OMGOSH- MOISTURISER, STAT!
  • The ugly battle now with who will get what from my Tante who had quite a bit of money will start between my aunts.
  • The icky ass spider web in the corner of my room THAT WASN'T THERE THIS MORNING- ewww
  • My hair right now- dude- I NEED TO SHOWER
  • My breath. I ate garlic before. Sweet baby banana monkey. I'm going to go brush my teeth.

Im unsure what will happen and who will sort out Tante's funeral or memorial. She decided to give her body to science. Which is yeah, a great thing to do but I do find it creepy as hell, also.

Uhm, anyway. There's not much else. I was squee happy with the LA Con and I still am but with the lost of Tante and the lack of sleep, I'm in a different mood set right now, so I'm gonna go shower, change (brush my Goddamn teeth) and watch a movie in bed or summat.


rl, friends, jensen, dream, tante, work

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