I am so freakin' tired. Uhh. I am going STRAIGHT to bed. I should have updated like [well every day] but i have been drained in the evenings and i had dinner uber late tonight. Dad was held up in theatre and had to check post op and blah blah so, late dinner.
Mary has been the same ol same ol at work. Tomorrow- if she starts, i think my restraint will snap- break off- and i'm gonna flip. So. Uh, yeah, wait for an update on THAT one kiddos.
I have a lot of writing to get beta-ed and sort out. I have also got a hell of a lot of reading to do-
apieceofcake recs i have been desperate to catch up on, so. Also, i cant stop reading ladyjanelly's scar!verse. I re-read it over and over.
Uh, what else. Oh, uh, i have started a painting for my friend Sian's birthday. I will update with photos too- before and after.
purplephoenix03 i got your POST CARD TODAY- YAY! Babe, i am so glad you had fun. Miss thee!!! :)
Mands- sunday will rule.....
dea_liberty hope you got home okay.
Ive watched way too much Dark Angel of late. Alec, please do me now, kthxbye.
Night y'all.
[Laura- you crack me up- oh my GOD, Marry Me.... RUN, ITS VIGGO- HE WANTS TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU!)