i enjoy the simplicity hypothetically found in war, the notion that one fights for a definite cause against an enemy who is an enemy for quantifiable reasons. there is a kind of peace in this focused aggression. there is not an intrinsic restriction of higher thought; rather, it is simply that higher thought doesn't need to occur. i think you're wrong and you think i'm wrong, and we both have big guns and bombs. so we kill each other.
but in order for each of us to feel the other is wrong, we first have to be convinced. which is exactly what is going on right now with iran:
http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1814794,00.html?xid=feed-cnn-topics OH NOES "THE TERRORISTS" in iran may have nuclear plans?! you twatsucks. there are brilliant high school students capable of assembling nuclear devices. it is the materials that put them out of the reach of the average schmuck. enriched uranium isn't exactly sold at the deli. this kind of fearmongering is one of the many things about this administration that infuriates me, especially in light of house resolution 362:
http://www.theopia.com/viewtopic.php?p=15056& a blockade of iran! sweet! they won't react negatively at all. it's not like tensions are high in the region or anything. it's not like the israelis just conducted a massive air exercise over the mediterranean. nothing to worry about. they were probably just taking pictures for the international audubon society.
this transcends all parties and nationalities. as human beings, i need you all to contact your congresspeople and let them know that if they even THINK of passing this, you're going to fuckstart their skulls with their own hard-ons. just, you might want to say it in a less angry and more gender-neutral way.
we're already in two wars. the draft has already been mentioned with varying degrees of seriousness. for anyone out there who might actually support war with iran, what do you think will happen if we enter a third? how many will join the 4,000+ american dead, the 40,000+ american wounded, the 600,000+ iraqi dead? end it with e-mail, guys.