
Oct 07, 2005 15:02

0k soooo I realli  can't believ that I am like updating but well here g0es. So Im HIGH right n0w...ummmm just getting t0 work @ 3:00 pm and I'm supp0sed to get off @ 5:00 but little do they know as soon as the last person leaves (which is at 4:00pm) Im rolling right the fuck behind them!! Well not to sure if ya'll remember when I was screamin that I needed s0me ass...welp guys...Mama g0t her summmmmmm!! *cheesin hard as shyt* Clap it up for my pr0vider, I ain't even g0nna put her 0ut there sooo...*sike ya'll g0t me fucked up*!! ....Caprice A. Pharr oh yeah momma c0min baq f0r s0me m0re!!lmao. Gosh y0u guys I knew this was g0nna happen. As so0n as I g0t s0me go0d ass I just wasn't the same!!lol...*0kay,0kay..Im done*...0kay well mia has been tryna get baq in this scho0l thing and I must be pr0ud of myself cuz I been getting my lazy ass up and going to class! Currently Im lo0king for another job cuz I need more money rollin in these pockets.  My auntie runs a "child development" scho0l(daycare) and she was like I could work with her anytime I wanted and I would get a decent pay. But mia don't do kids. I mean they co0l you know.."lil cousins come over and play with ya for a few" , but that's it for me!! I have a very smart mouth and ya'll know kids these days aint nothing to play well guys Im done typing, mama to high right now. i guess I speak to you  guys on the next go round!!
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