I won't get any time off from my job this year for Christmas. When I first heard about it, I was totally frustrated but it pretty much smoothed itself out.
This means I won't be going to Hamburg this year, which is a first. But my bf and I opted for making this the best fucking Christmas evah! ;) My parents where never big on Christmas and didn't even celebrated it until
kskitten and I found out that other kids got presents around the end of the year. Seriously, there wasn't a decoration in our flat to be found. But by and by, my sis and I got my parents to obey the laws of Christmas and we visited the family, got presents and baked cookies. We never had a proper tree, either and the only time my sis insisted on one, they made her keep it in her room and and as far I remember it, she had to vacuum the needles by herself. :) They just always thought Christmas was way to religious and they are totally against any religions.
Since my bf always had a tree, we are going to have one this year, first Christmas we spend together after moving in together. I am personally a big Christmas fan and I intend to go totally overboard. ;)
The family thing is mostly sorted out, too. My dad will celebrate with his girlfriend, which means I won't have to see her (yay!) and I even talked to the grandparents and told them that none of us is coming, since apparently my aunt booked a journey for Christmas and won't be there, either. They were pretty cool about it.
kskitten and mom will probably be coming over from the 23rd to 26th, hang out and eat with bf's mom and us here on the 24th, then we'll invite the other side of his family for tea on the 25th and then just chill out.