Moving on...

May 12, 2010 00:28

I am currently making pretty big changes in my life.
You guys know I took a job as a call center agent after college, because I couldn't find a well paid job, a job that you actually need a diploma for. The job is alright, the people are nice, I am far from being unhappy there. I am just unhappy overall. Having a middle-distance-relationship sucks, living with my roomies sucks and the fact that no-one wanted to hie me as something worthy sucks, too.
So I have taken it into my hands to change the things I can change: I am moving.
My roomies have started looking for a replacement and they might have already found one. If she takes the room, I'll be able to move in two weeks... Which is completely scary. I don't even know if that too soon to quit my job. Also, I don't have a new job in Dortmund yet, even though I think it won't be a problem to find something low-key. And I have the hope that when I live together with such a dedicated worker as my boyfriend is, I'll be better motivated to start looking again for jobs. I haven't been looking for the last few weeks, I have been just too downcast.
So I might be moving the weekend after next. Wow, just wow, that has been really sudden...

the phone job, real life

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