HP marathon!

Mar 31, 2012 19:39

Wow. I think it'd be nice to write about it. So I don't forget.
The thing is, I had birthday few days ago. Also, my friend had her in February. She was in England, so we couldn't really celebrate it (also the present me and girls got for her was late... so the "party" got delayed. Hence joining her and mine party together, haha).
I can imagine things I'm going to say next may surprise some people, but oh well! We actually didn't have a birthday cake, we didn't even drink any alcohol. But it was SO fun! We watched parts 1, 2, 3, 4 first, we went to sleep at like, seven in the morning, we got up few hours later - only to watch the sixth part.
Actually, I went to her house again yesterday (week after the "marathon") to watch The Deathly Hallows. I tried not to cry (embarrassing x.x'') but I really can't hold it when Snape... talks. Lol. No, i mean, he says those sad lines like "Look at me". But it wasn't that bad! I believe it was worse when I was in the cinema. The guy next to me must have been like "ugh gross can she stop crying and wipe her nose ew". Oh well. No regrets, just Snape.
We also watched this film with Gary Oldman, Colin Firth and Benedict Cumberbatch (do you know I'm currently obsessed with Benedict Cumberbatch? I'm seriously obsessed with Benedict Cumberbatch. My aunt calls him "Cumberbitch", but it's just joking! She likes him very much, too. We're even watching BBC Sherlock together!). Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. It was a great film, the only minus is... we couldn't understand it ;_; It was so quiet, we even went to youtube to search for a louder version (found nothing... Damn, only if Megavideo still existed!). We couldn't even find anything with subtitles. So we watched it mainly for Gary-Colin-Benedict (gog they're gorgeous). I'll have to find it or rent it or something just so I can watch it again - and, this time, understand!


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