Nov 06, 2007 16:57
what i said wouldnt.
bump that.
oh i cannot wait for this weekend ooooh!!!
i love sketchbooking and Mark Haddon
the world is constantly flying into my face like after you play guitar hero for 3 hours and the stage IS everything; fuck being dizzysick & ear infections but i'm drunk 24/7?
"can i take a picture of your shirt?"
"did i just hear a H A R M O N I C A?"
"did you put those post-its on my door?"
"Theres nothing more difficult than a line."
erique got me a japanese album moleskin HELL YES
prismacolor babies
korn and bhen and julia i miss you
and i'm actually drawing?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!