Feb 05, 2010 11:27
(Sorry for posting this here, but facebook literally refuses to let me send you this in a message, so this is the best way for you to see the information):
So I've been thinking about running something for a while, and a little idea showed up in my head the other day and didn't go away. So here's the basic plot for the campaign I would like to run for you guys:
The end of the world has come and gone, and the aftermath has been pretty fantastical. Devils and abominations stalk the streets of dead cities and ravage the countryside as the Lords of Hell battle for the right to become the master of the material plane.
Few survived the initial onslaught of evil that surged up from the gates of hell, most good people being hunted down and butchered and most evil people being offered jobs, but there are some who still hope for an end to the destruction, even a month or so into the carnage.
You begin at this time, approximately a month after the apocalypse occurred and hell decided to come to town, locked in a cell with a random assortment of other people. You may know some of them, you may not. You’ve been imprisoned for dangerous crimes against the state of Cydonia, and whether you are innocent or guilty, you have been locked in this barren, high-security fortress since before the world ended and have been unable to get out despite your best efforts. You don’t know how they’re managing to keep the prisoners fed and alive, but since it’s one of the most protected installations in the free lands, you can safely assume that it’s being used as a hideout and base of operations for the forces of good attempting to combat the aftermath of the apocalypse. A hopeless last stand for the material realm. You also know that the guards have been getting antsy and have whispered rumors of the Higher-Ups getting desperate to the point of acknowledging that they need all the help they can get. That and you’ve been having some disturbing dreams lately...
So that’s where we begin. Characters will be built under the 3.5 D&D system with minor modifications and house rules, and help can be provided for those who have never played 3.5 before. Those of you who have, the stats will be standard (4d6, re-roll 1s, roll 7 times and drop lowest number), level 5. Any races (except Aasimar, Tiefling and any other celestial/infernal related races or sub-races) and classes outside of the Core books need to be approved by me, but I’m very open to working with people if they have a specific character or idea in mind. I am a DM who encourages and rewards roleplay and elaborate backstory. Maps, histories and recommended racial options to follow.
Also, I have no problem with people playing non-good and evil alignments, as long as your evil character is capable of working with the rest of the party. I would encourage everyone to be communicative about their characters personal intentions before the campaign begins (i.e. do you want to save the world and smite evil? Do you want glory and riches? Do you just want to kill a bunch of people? Figure it out, and figure out how that will mesh with the rest of the group).
I think I’m the one with the tightest schedule (what with school eating me alive and all), and so the evening I’m looking to run this would be Friday evenings, starting at about 5.30pm, at my apartment (yes, John and Chris, this means we have to clean. I am sorry). Today of course is too soon to gather (because of both the short notice and the cleaning issue), so I’ll suggest next week, the evening of the twelfth, tentatively if that works with everyone’s schedules, to create characters and work on backstories.
Also, we’ve currently got four players. I’d say we’ve probably got room for one more, but if you want to invite another person, please run them by me first, as this probably won’t be a campaign for everyone. It’ll be morally ambiguous and a little odd, but you’ll get to slit up evil dudes and run around a post-apocalyptic world. And if nothing else, that will be fun.
So yeah. Let me know if you're interested, and what you'd potentially have in mind for race and class. Also direct any questions you may have at me.