Since I've been in a bad mood all day, I'm going to post a list of things that make me happy, via the medium of photos of objects that I've taken. Enjoy!
Playing the ukulele, although I do tend to practice instead of doing school work. The last song I learnt was "Making Whoopee" which Amanda Palmer covers quite a lot, it involved learning lots of ... augmented? chords. It's weird discussing playing the ukulele with my friend (who bought one last week) because he's classically trained and so can work out all the fingerings for the chords by knowing which notes to play in which.
Putting fun things on my head, because they always cheer me up, and transform an outfit. The top hat isn't mine, unfortunately, my friend wore a top hat and a jacket with tails on to the prom, and I was borrowing it.
Music, especially Jason Webley. I've just downloaded his first album (and Bitter Ruin's latest album) and so I'm looking forward to listening to it. I am constantly in awe of how profound his lyrics are, and I adore the accordion which is on his earlier albums, and the strings that are on his newer albums. My favourite song is a tie between "Ways To Love" on his latest album, and "Last Song" on "Against the Night" which is heartbreakingly beautiful.
This poster, it's on my wall under my bookshelves opposite my bed. I love the way she is crowd surfing towards the sky, it symbolises possibility!
My friends, and things that remind me of them. I know so many wonderful people :).
Ok, I'm going to leave it there, before I start getting emotional (/more emotional?) I'm so stressed out about these exams, so if you don't hear about me for a couple of weeks that's why.
Comment Questions
1. This is such a materialistic question, but what are your favourite possessions?
2. Do you listen to audiobooks? I'm just about to listen to Stephen Fry reading the first Harry Potter book when I go to bed.
3. Favourite vegetable?