The One in Which Jez Has to Rush Off to Training

Mar 09, 2010 17:32

+ This is my last week of training at the far centre, because I convinced my boss to let me come into our centre and have my own training. I'm really good at the new system, so I really don't need all this ridiculous stuff, and I can certainly do without the long drive. The upside for her is that I can train her (yup, I will be training my boss) a day before she has to train everyone else. So, I will have Tuesday nights free again!

+ Next week my post will be coming to you from Missouri! Much farther north than where Toni is, though. I will be visiting the wonderful and amazing purewanderlust (and an extra bonus of seeing kell887) at her school while I am on Spring break. I can't wait! This last week is going to be torture. And the 5.5 hours of travel will be worth it...and will probably what my blog is on. Sort of a travel log for the trip down.

+ Another reason it will be such a long wait is that next Tuesday is also the day that Lord Sunday, the 7th & last book in the Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nix comes out! I'm hoping to find it in the book store before then so I can read it on the train. *crosses fingers*

+ I reorganized my bookshelves today to accommodate all the new books, and I had to fill up a whole extra shelf! And all of my manga had to be moved into the cubbies. My dvd section also needed some space, so all of the boxed sets of television shows are now in the cubbies, too. They actually look good there, near the VHS tapes. Yes, I have VHS tapes, I'm old school, yo. I'm trying to get all of my books back from people now, since I know they've all finished them! Some are really hard to get back, like my Thursday Next books, which have been gone for well over a year now. It sucks. I want my books! Also, I can't find my copy of A Wind in the Door & my dvd set of Audrey Hepburn movies, I'm going to search my siblings' rooms.

Now I need to quickly scarf down some dinner & head off to training! Ta!

Comment Questions!
1. What are you doing over Spring break?
2. Do you ride trains? I take them all the time, to the city, and across the state. Trains are the best way of travel.
3. What book do you really want to read?
4. Do you think you can beat me for number of books owned?

keys to the kingdom, movies, jez, tuesday, trains, work, travel, friends, books

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