Hello lovelies, it's Monday and there are only 12 more days until I #partyinthe5nw!
So today started out okay, got reallyreally good somewhere in the middle, and then became somewhat shitty rather quickly. It's not like, life-ruining stuff or anything. I mean, December 14th will not go down in infamy or anything like that, but the couple things that happened did suck just a little.
My day in list form:
-I made it to the bus on time.
-Lab partner gave me a candy cane x]
-I recited my POL poem (Poetry Out Loud: a competition in which we recite poems out loud to get scholarship money), which was really difficult because it was half in spanish and half in english. (A rather weird reading of my poem much slower than how I said it:
-My dad sent me an email of stuff he thought I could blog about for today, which was super nice. x] I'm saving it for next week.
-My sister ripped my favorite coat, which I have been bitching about on Twitter and facebook for a while, so you already know
So later tonight, I'm going back to school to Senior Reading Night, which is something my English teacher has been planning for a couple of years. Basically, a bunch of seniors come and read their college essays out loud and your parents can come to hear the essays and juniors can come to hear these essays and know what they'll have to write, or you can just come to hear essays read out loud, which I really like. But my teacher asked me to read my essay, which was super nice of her, so I'll be reading mine tonight. Sarah's coming too to listen to me and she's decided to read hers as well, so it should be fun. I really like my essay, so I'm kind of excited to show it to people.
Oh, as an update from last week's blog in which I rambled about my Creative Writing class, I read my story out on Wednesday. My killer instinct (for lack of a better expression) was kind of quelled because right before I read, my teacher announced she's taking a leave of absence which will probably be for good because of her "health issues." Her little performance during which she announced she was leaving was melodramatic, but now half the class is convinced she "wasn't that bad." I still hate her, however, and I'm glad she's leaving. While we won't be getting a good teacher to substitute, at least I won't have to deal with her crazyface. (Toni, your crazyface is totally acceptable. Hers is not.)
Oh, so when I read my story, she really liked it and everyone else was really really quiet which always happens after I read my writing. In my writer's workshop class, no one said much about my writing either. That bothers me a little. But I still showed up the girl from last week, so it's all good.
I'm going to stop making an ass of myself and post this.
Comment Questions:
1. Do you like to give criticism on writing or are you afraid of offending people? (I generally like to give critique if I can find any, though if it's really bad, I feel bad criticizing it)
2. Do you like to hear things read out loud?
3. What is your opinion on the Kindle? My government class has an ongoing argument about it. I'm undecided. I like owning a book and turning the pages myself, but the idea that I can carry all 7 Potter books with me at all times is really tempting.
4. How long have you known your best friend? (5 years)