04/06: es lunes

Apr 06, 2009 17:50

Hey nerdwriters, it’s Monday! I was actually having a very good Monday up until I got home. Not that my family has ruined my mood or anything, I just kinda stopped being cheerful. *shrugs* I can’t explain it.

So on the SAFT, someone (if I’m not mistaken, I think it was Jez) posted that we should recount our internet histories in our blogs this week, and as all feedback has been positive, I’m going ahead and starting the challenge/theme for this week.

I became a nerd somewhere around the tender age of 9, though I’ve spent most of the last 7 years as a closet nerd. I was given Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for my birthday by my godmother and for several months, I absolutely refused to read it. I read like crazy when I was younger, way more than I do now, so I think I had probably run out of books to read when I decided to try it. It was a really slow process until chapter 5 (I remember this really specifically).

Then I couldn’t stop.

I mentioned that I used to read a lot, but I should also mention that I read really fast. Within the next couple of days, I had taken out and read the other 3 Harry Potter books that were out at the time from my school library.

This inevitably brought me to the internet. While I was waiting for OOTP to come out, I googled “Harry Potter” and was introduced to a ton of Harry Potter websites, to which I was addicted for several years.

Somehow, I found my way to livejournal and over the summer, I joined a Twilight community in favor of Jacob Black. In October, someone posted a link to a Question Tuesday in which John states that Edward was an idea and was therefore Team Jacob. I started watching more videos and became an official nerdfigther.

(I feel like mentioning the fact that I was a huge neopets geek when I was little. It has nothing to do with Harry Potter or my becoming a nerdfighter, but it definitely establishes me as a nerd)

Er, so that’s it! It took me 7 years, but I finally found the nerdwriters.

Les Questions pour les Comments:
1) Did you ever use neopets? Now that I’ve remembered it, I have to know if any of you did. I’ll feel much better about myself if you guys did.
2) I want to become a surgeon. Would you trust me to give you surgery? A couple of friends have expressed that they wouldn’t let me. x]
3) What is your favorite flavor of Starburst/Jolly Rancher? I ask about both in hopes that Jenny has had one of those.
4) Can you guys cook?

internet, harry potter, lia, gaby

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