Time Travel: Why did Hiro Nakamura Ruin It For Me?

Jan 29, 2009 15:45



My initial reaction to time travel in most Sci-Fi or Fantasy related genres is that my suspension of disbelief is almost always thwarted by it.  Time travel is a hard idea to execute. First, you have to trust that the audience and your actors are following the order of events.  Sometimes, the lack of physics in these situations frustrates me.  Wouldn't time travel at least make you a little nauseous?Also, every detail in both the script and the production design has to be spot on and usually the but not always there is some degree of failure with this.

Like many other delicious nerd shows, LOST is playing with the Sci-Fi fire and I don't want it to get burned!!! What seems mostly frustrating is that the show initially insisted that the conflict wasn't time travel only to fool me at the opening of this season.  I must say, just when I began to feel the twists and turns getting all predicty on me, Mr. Abrams came through.

Despite my strange and completely irrational distaste for time travel (okay, specifically my hate for the Hero's time travel and some of that which is in the Whedonverse) I have found the new season back in full force with the funnies and the boogies.  We're back into it's original depth of genius which is its lack of temporal clarity (sans Ben's insufferable need to work out in a parka).  When we are both on and off the island, we're not quite sure when or where it is.  Subtly, Abrams removed all those helpful little captions and clues that used to be in some episodes.

All in all, the show isn't as spread out in narrative as the past few seasons have been.  Then again, maybe I am just so caught up in what will ultimately happen to the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 that what happens in between is of little consequence.  Either way, I am simply thrilled that Jack has stayed away from the both the island and the plot line for the time being (him and his little first aid kit).  
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