Bad Luck Bears

Oct 29, 2008 13:30


-Car towed with assignments due that day inside
-out $260.00
-homophobic policeman makes me want to riot
-didn't go to the gym
-only rescued by Madonna at the United Center and tasty dinner with my bro

-woke up late because Madonna was sweet.
-Got to LP feeling tired/unshowered/unworked out/caffeine free/nervous
-Went to the lab in the stud to find out that they didn't have any DV decks that could capture (two hours wasted)
-Went to the loop to capture and edit before class and couldn't find a lab
-finally found a lab but my external drive was broken
-finally got my drive to work but then couldn't get a capture deck that worked
-after 3 hours of trying to trouble shoot the drives I got one that worked 
-this victory drive ate my raw footage

-my goals of sleeping in and hanging out all morning were nixed when I woke up to my dad talking WAY too loud on the phone
-I found out that my dad was on the phone with the insurance company
-my dad smashed the front of my car before I woke up
-He took it to the body shop and and now I have no car for a few days

tired. cranky. hungry. pmsing.

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