Title: ‘Lover Boy’
Rating: G
Pairing: Hints of Lal/Colonello.
Warnings: Colonello’s singing voice, abuse of the word 'kora'.
Summary: [Request and prompt for
villanelle_koi.] In which Colonello learns that serenades are not the best way to make a first impression. [Pre-Series.]
Gently play on your heart strings, be your valentino just for you… )
And that had been fine by Takeshi, who always used to hold Tsuna’s left. fffalslkd I love this line! And I also love that Gokudera is being mentioned so much♥♥♥
Uwahhh. -fangirls♥-
Haha, I'm sorry if Gokudera wasn't supposed to be mentioned, orz. My beta for this said it was difficult to see the leap in time, so I tried to use that as something that showed the difference in the two tenses.
Soooo glad you like it, thank you. &hearts *v*
Nono, it's fine. *A* I thought it was easy to tell because of the scar on the chin, but Gokudera was a nice touch too~♥
I loved it~ -spams with more love♥♥♥
Haha, I think it was because my Beta isn't up to TYL yet, and I realized that could really be confusing for people who aren't. Not that Gokudera made it any less confusing. Orz.
I'm retarded amounts of glad. *Spams back~ &hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts
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