tim should never ever be allowed to drive, he almost killed us today...

Jul 21, 2005 00:36

today the fam drove down to camp to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousins from colorado. we also sort of visited my aunt, uncle, and cousins from ankeny, who we never see except on holidays. it's really pathetic how we all get so absorbed in our own lives we can't even call each other or stop by when we live so close.
alright, so now i try to explain camp... it's at clear lake(which is about a 2 hour drive) and it may sound sorta weird, but this particular week is a family camp, which means any group of people, family or not, of any and all ages sign up about a year before to do this camp and sleep in either a dorm like area, a tent, a camper, or a cabin. all meals are provided in the dining hall. and it's a church camp so there are 2 services everyday, but it's camp, so the services are more contemporary and laid back. then there are all sorts of AWESOME rec activities(ie: this huge tower that's got 8 different climbing walls, the lake, mini golf, zip line, and the usual sporty junk...). i've been going to this place to do family camp and the youth camps since before i can remember. i went every year until the summer after 9th grade. i've got a lot of memories that have taken place there, so it was really nice to reminisce.

but now that i've gone back everything is so different. it seems like everything works that way. i guess nothing/no one can stay the same forever, but sometimes i think that it would be nice.
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