why...brandon why u pretty much are sitting there and why cause again in your mind i made the mistake and i am the one in the wrong...dont sit there and say that stuff cause what happened a couple hour agos....the same old stuff! you werent listening and its the same like i hate it! if dsw is that important to you i am gone.......i think thats more important to you then i was....i remember when we first started and everything was so fucking great! we were such the happy married couple....then fucking it went downhill and i dunno why and i dont seem to wanna know why....i needed you today more then anything but i swear your head was way too high in the sky cause wow you get paid 1.50 more....yay!who cares that i am sooo torn righ tnow i dont know what to do...i am a mess and i needed you and you do what u do u pushed me away....sorry i didnt want to give u a ride home but yea...you dont understand what its fucking like to have no one really honestly care...a lot of people yea fucking front to me and u know it and u dont know yet u judge me and u have always and u will always cant for once u be the smaller person and try to understand to put your feet in my place......or is it too much
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