Where to begin? I love u guys. I do. Well sum of u. The rest of you can burn in hell.
OMG i was kidding. Come on now....
So I learned something very very important today. I learned that when ur fucking pissed as a bitch on crack and U just wanna stangle someone and chop their balls off so they can't hurt anyone else.......I learned in
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When i found out was a different story.
There are so many times it could of been, for sex is a regular thing with couples.
I don't know what to tell ya...
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No I don't parade that I'm pregnant to u, I never have.
I never go "oh guess what!" Never i just figured it was none of ur buiznaz.
Carrie Dare a I are a happy lil family, w/ or w/out baby on board. Aw, i'm cute.
And I'm so concerned about those girls on ur lj too.
I don't really get it. I'm just living my life over here and i'm like gettting attacked for it.
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Dorothy, I must bring this to your attention, you say "drop it and get over it or drop me."
Well I'm pretty sure u know which one Dare picked. It's a truly unfortunate situation init?
Life's a bitch just like ur Doc/Therapist/Phyicatrist/Phycotherapist said.
Good luck, like I've always said.
And ur right drop the bullshit. Everyone should, I know I have, Dare who hasnt dropped it?
O well, He still refuses to ever talk to u. He did say last night (over moms), that he would talk to u again, so he can "fuck her and leave her ass again, and then make fun of her" thats pretty much what kinda guy he'd be to u. Apparently u have "nothing to offer him"
Just the messenger. Just the messenger.
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He dosnt wanna "do it" with u ever again, but he said if he were to "talk to u" ever again, thats all it would be for.....then he went on about saying how u wernt good, he had to be wasted to ever do that shit again...and blah blah blah. I told him "well it was a learning experience eh?" We both make fun of eachother for our
But seriously, he's getting the best of u I think...Just chill, and everything will be okay, life goes on with out Dare.
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