Continuation of last post

Jan 21, 2003 19:24

"There is nothing among men which makes us belong to antoher more than slavery. There is nothing among Christians which makes us more absolutely belong to Jesus Christ and His holy Mother than the slavery of the will, according to the example of Jesus Christ Himself, who took on Himself the form of a slave for love of us(Phil. 2:7); and also according to the example of the holy Virgin, who called herself the servant and slave of the Lord(Lk 1:38).

"The Apostle calls himself as by a title of honor, 'The slave of Christ.' Christians are often so called in the Holy Scriptures; and the word for the designation, 'servus,' as a great man has truly remarked, signified in olden times a slave in the completest sense, because there were no servants then like those of the present day.

"Masters were served only by slaves or freedmen. This is what the Catechism of the holy Council of Trent, in order to leave no doubt about our being slaves of Jesus Christ, expresses by an unequivocal term, in calling us 'mancipia Cristi,' or 'slaves of Jesus Christ.'

"Now that i have given these explanations, I say that we ought to belong to Jesus Christ, and to serve Him not only as mercenary servants, but as loving slaves who, as a resut of their great love, give themselves up to serve Him in the quality of slaves simply for the honor of being with Him.

"Before Baptism we were slaves of the devil. Baptism has made us slaves of Jesus Christ: Christians must needs be either the slaves of the devil or the slaves of Jesus Christ.

"What i say absolutely of Jesus Christ, i say relatively of Our Lady. Since Jesus Christ chose her for the inseperable companion of His life, of His death, of His glory and His power in Heaven and upon earth, He gave her by grace, relatively to His Majesty, all the same rights and privileges which He possesses by nature.

"'All that is fitting to God by nature is fitting to Mary by grace," say the saints; so that, according to them, Mary and Jesus, having but the same will and the same power, have also the same subjects, servants and slaves."

-Saint Louis de Montfort, "True Devotion to Mary"
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