Jan 15, 2003 15:18
Indeed, it has been some time. A lot has happened. Too much, perhaps...
I now begin I FOUND A JOB, I NEED ANOTHER ONE round three since i arrived here.
The first one turned out to be art sales...commission only-after i worked there three days in the warehouse and wasted so much precious time.
The second one i found is the best opportunity i have ever beheld. It's for Simmer's Capital Management Firm...i'd be a financial advisor. to start. I just got offered a position an hour ago. best pay of any job i ever had. There's a catch. I need a NASD license. $500. I get it back after i finish the 7-week training period, during which i can't be paid by the firm without the license-its illegal. Honestly i am underqualified to work there...but i was forthright with them and i put my mack on the hottie v-p enough i guess. I was the only one of 85 applicants without a bachelor's degree...i never cease to amaze myself.
So i need a job now that can deliver around $1200 withing three-four weeks, eh? (rent and car payment too)
This would be a lot easier of my dumbass old boss would get me my last paycheck...they still owe me over $400.
That, and i have my first girlfriend since victoria...now how to break that info to the other girls after me i don't know...luckily only one of those three know where i live. Maybe they will kill me and it will all be over.
So i ask myself, now what?
I need to call a lot of people, so many its overbearing until i don't want to call anyone, and i end up not calling anyone