TM #362 - Tell A Joke

Nov 20, 2010 21:43


The only one I can think of at the moment is the classic tale of the frustrated tech support worker though. It's been retold and updated over the years so that it no longer references DOS and has wireless technology. The latest way I've heard it was something like this:

Tech Support: How may I help you today?

Customer: Well, I was using my desktop computer and then the screen went black. I can't seem to get anything to work.

Tech Support: Oh, I see. Have you tried moving the mouse? Sometimes a screen saver or a power save mode feature will kick in causing the the screen to go black.

Customer: Oh okay, let me try that.

(A moment passes.)

Customer: No, sorry. That didn't help. The screen is still black.

Tech Support: Try to check the cable for the mouse to see if it's still plugged in.

Customer: There isn't one.

Tech Support: Oh, it's a wireless mouse then. Flip it over. Do you see a red light still on?

Customer: I do.

Tech Support: Then lets make sure the receiver still is working. Is there a little rectangular object plugged into the computer?

Customer: I don't see one.

Tech Support: Please check around the machine to see if it's fallen out of the USB slot.

Customer: The what?

Tech Support: The USB slot. It's a grooved socket that's shaped like a rounded rectangle.

Customer: I can't see one.

Tech Support: There should be several on the machine-

Customer: Well, I really can't see anything at the moment.

Tech Support: Why not?

Customer: Because the office is totally dark. I think the power went out.

Tech Support: Sir, the computer cannot operate without any power.

Customer: Then why is there a light on the mouse?

Tech Support: Because that works on a battery.

Customer: Well, I feel dumb.

Tech Support: You should. Honestly, I think you're too stupid to own a computer.

It's probably not quite as good as the original though.

Muse: Chuck Bartowski
Fandom: Chuck
Word Count: 335

verse: canon, tm

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