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powered_otaku October 2 2010, 07:04:00 UTC
She is? Congratulations!


nerdherdchuck October 2 2010, 16:41:06 UTC
Yeah, she just told me the other day. I'm going to be an uncle! *grins*

But Awesome seems to be going overboard. He's trying to buy all sorts of things for the baby even though there are still several months until he or she arrives.


powered_otaku October 2 2010, 22:57:27 UTC
I think he is worried. Men worry more than women because they are on the outside of all of it. She knows how she feels and how the baby is doing instinctively. After this time, he should be fine. Is he an only child?


nerdherdchuck October 2 2010, 23:28:16 UTC
I hope so. Cuz if he keeps being so overprotective, I think it'll drive Ellie crazy.

Awesome isn't an only child though. He has a couple younger brothers.


powered_otaku October 3 2010, 08:16:36 UTC
I am surprised. Usually it is men who have no siblings who are most concerned about that kind of thing.

Are they just like him?

But you will be an uncle! That is wonderful!


nerdherdchuck October 3 2010, 23:51:24 UTC
Maybe because he was the oldest, he acted kinda like a parent at times? Like how Ellie can be with me? *shrugs a bit*

Yeah, kinda.



powered_otaku October 4 2010, 02:48:54 UTC
That is quite possible. Considering that in many ways Ellie did raise you, I understand why she feels a need to be a parent to you. Sometimes it can be inconvenient, but I sort of wish Kimiko and I could have been the same way.

So, they are all the Awesome family?

Do I give you a cigar or something? A bubblegum one, since I know you do not smoke.


nerdherdchuck October 5 2010, 23:32:23 UTC
It can be at times, but I know she means well. Despite your past with your sister, you do seem to be getting a long better now.

*chuckles* I've called them 'The Awesomes' but their actual family name is Woodcomb.

Usually, the father of the baby gives out cigars to family and close friends when the baby is born. It's sort of a celebration thing.


powered_otaku October 9 2010, 13:32:11 UTC
We are. She actually told me that she is hoping that Jason will propose. She thinks he is the one.

That is an interesting name - Woodcomb. As opposed to a plastic one?

I am not fond of cigars. I am also trying to cut back. With a child now, I do not want to expose her to two-hand smoke.


nerdherdchuck October 10 2010, 02:10:18 UTC
Aw. I hope he does.

I...guess? I'm not really sure of the origin of it.

Nah, I'm not really big on cigars either. Plus they give off more smoke than cigarettes.


powered_otaku October 10 2010, 04:14:24 UTC
You and me both. I think getting married will be good for Kimiko. I think she needs someone to stand with her. Fortunately, he is not in her field, so they will not be competing at all in that regard.

And they stink more than cigarettes. I do not like the way they smell.


nerdherdchuck October 11 2010, 00:54:58 UTC
Well that's good. Competition might hurt the relationship so at least that's one hurdle they avoid.

I'm not too keen on them either.


powered_otaku October 11 2010, 03:27:10 UTC
Kimiko is very competitive. They do compete a bit at sports things, but I think they understand that is for fun. It is a good thing they do not work in the same field because she hates to lose in business.


nerdherdchuck October 11 2010, 03:34:26 UTC
Friendly competition is okay, but, yeah...serious competition can get a little...crazy.


powered_otaku October 11 2010, 03:44:07 UTC
Very much so. Especially with my sister. She never knows when to stop, although she understands it with sports. It is career-stuff where she cannot see the difference.


nerdherdchuck October 13 2010, 23:46:21 UTC
At least she's a good sport.


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