TM #345 - Are you well organized?

Aug 01, 2010 11:41

I'd say so. My room is pretty neat and my work space at the Nerd Herd desk is too. So I can find just about everything I'm looking for when we need to find it.

I try to keep the apartment neat too.

[Locked to those who know of his secret life]

But...I'm maybe not so organized when it comes to forming plans for spy missions. At least, not all the time. I'm getting better though. But in the past, I just sorta charged into a place trying to help. When I did that, I usually ended up getting captured myself. Or, sometimes by dumb luck, I'd do something that ended up saving the team.

One thing I have noticed is that hidden stashes of weapons are always very organized. Whether they're guns or knives, Sarah and Casey's weapons are always hidden under something, or behind something, and each weapon is being held in a slot with Styrofoam all around it.

I don't have anything like that but...then again, I don't tend to carry weapons like those. [/locked]

Muse: Chuck Bartowski
Fandom: Chuck
Word Count: 178

verse: canon, tm

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