Heather The Comeback Kid

Oct 12, 2005 18:13

What to say? Well actually this is mainly for Emily because apparently you think I am dead in a ditch if I don't update. Hint *try myspace. So I have been single for a month and a half now. And it is a weird thought, at least for me, to know that I don't actually like anyone. Like there are a couple of guys who I will forever be crushing on but still no one up here at least. It is a nice feeling. Do you ever realize how random some awesome songs are. Like I think I just heard Alkaline Trio say something about eating peanuts. And yet somehow we assume that it is really deep and we just don't get it. I finally got to bust out the sweetest yellow moon boots on Monday. This one guy was like oh you are the person with the boots. And I was like you mean the awesome person with the boots, why yes. Ok some of that last part was in my head although I did call myself awesome because I am narsistic like that. Do you ever miss high school. Like the pep rallies and the teachers everyone knows and being in inclosed spaces and awesome lockers. They say that you have all the freedom in the world in college, but that little kiddies is a lie. I didn't go to yoga this morning because my back hurts like all get out and now I have to figure out how to make my teacher consider that excused because I have only 4 free absences and that will make 3 because I skipped the week class was held like 2 miles away which I was not going to walk to at 7:30 in the morning, and then I wanted to skip french because I am pretty sure I am either going to pass out or puke, but we have only 3 absences in that class. My theory is that it shouldn't matter if you come to class as long as you do well on the tests or not, it is my grade right? so why the f*** do they care. I never got a job because it is awesome to do nothing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is like a weekend every other day. I am way behind in women's studies because the book is super hard to understand. It is a bunch of essays where the people use big words to sound smart. There is one essay a guy wrote about how guys are more priviliged then women and it was super awesome, one of his sections is entitled (see how I sound smart there) Release the penis and let the blood flow to the brain. Isn't it amazing the things one might ascertain? It even rhymes. One exciting bit of information is that there is this 5 week intensive study like camp thing or something for french in Quebec which I might go to. It is either in May-June or July-August. I think I would do the first and then I may have the opportunity to go to France and be a enlish assistant at a school for 6-9 months, get paid for speaking english, and be in France. I don't know how it is all going down. It will probably be like everything else I do, make super plans and then don't follow through. I am scared of so much. Like finishing school here and missing something somewhere else, or going home and missing college, or never knowing what I am supposed to do with my life or who I am supposed to be with. I have decided to be a bartender after a dance where Rachel and I made ice shavings. I have been offered alcohol by like 3 random people up here one of which is my brother's friend who said that I had a "dyke haircut" not even to my face. I had never spoken to this kid and now he is telling me if I ever want to hang out or party I can go to his appartment all of this through my brother's other friend who is a jerk but cool. Boys are stupid but I can't not like them. Oh just for old time's sake I should mention that another fish died the other day, Bruno. He looked like his second half was paralyzed and Ghandi was eaten by my fish, Zephyr, a while ago, like he ate a whole in his side. i loved Ghandi. After Zephyr and Neon Dark there are to be no more fish. i am done with them. I also miss Buddha O'Flannigan. I know, inspired name. What can I say? I have a gift.
Emily I hope this satisfies.
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