not to spam or double post...

Aug 23, 2011 23:19

....but I was so totally excited to find an actual nerdfighting community that I spazzed and posted before really reading anything on there! So apparently youse guyse have this little questionare thing that y'all fill out, so I figured I'd fill that out, too!

Name: Julie, or Jewlz
Screenname and where it came from: I'm really into astrology, and my sign is Libra
Age: 20
Location: Philly suburbs

Watching vlogbrothers since: 2010
Type of Nerdfighter: reading? is that a type of nerdfighter?
How I Found Vlogbrothers: my sister!
Favorite B2.0 video: the one where John hates pennies!
Favorite Hank song: I'm not Edward Cullen
Do you vlog? Do you have videos on YouTube? Naw. No fancy camera equipment for me

Other Interests: youtube, knitting, astrology, kittens
Favorites: book-- tie between Little House on the Prairie and Harry Potter; movie-- Bend it Like Beckham; John Green book-- Will Grayson, Will Grayson; TV show-- Glee; website--

Anything Else: Much nerdfighterlike to all!
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