Title: The Last Step
nerdfightergirl /librarynerd
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: T
Summary: Post-reconciliation post-9x24, Callie has a request for Arizona
Disclaimer: I am very glad to say that I don't own Grey's Anatomy or these characters. This is purely for enjoyment and I am not making any money from it.
“Whatever the tests say … whatever happens, we’ll be okay. We’ll work through it.” )
At the same time, all of the scenes with Chelsea, while serious in what they're tackling, are so funny. As I've said, that character reminds me of so many people. And Callie's "Once you’ve held someone’s hand while she peed screaming bloody murder, there’s really no going back from that. It’s a forever kind of thing" makes me giggle every time I see it.
There's also just the right amount of fluff in here to make me go, "D'aww!" every couple of paragraphs. You can really tell how much they love each other and how sweet they are together and brb having feels.
Anyway. Have I made it clear that I love this fic? :P I love this fic!
That is completely why I wrote it. Given the way things happened, I can't imagine Lauren would have disclosed it had she been infected with any STIs. After this type of sexual encounter, getting tested is ALWAYS a good idea.
I tried to make it clear that they didn't just magically get to this place. It took MONTHS and they're still not all the way back. The purpose of this fic wasn't to address that directly, but I'm glad it came across as I intended, that they didn't just brush everything away.
Oh, Chelsea. I think everyone has known a Chelsea.
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