Title: Life Imitates Art
Author: nerdfightergirl aka
librarynerdRating: PG/K+
Summary: Sofia finds some paint and makes her own kind of masterpiece.
Disclaimer: I very happily do not own these characters. I just like to take them out for a spin now and then.
“Her beautiful, perfect, content little girl was happily covered head to toe in paint, which she had also spread out onto the floor beneath her, a toddler-style mix of blue, red, and purple paint.” )
Also, I'm really sorry that I didn't get a chance to read this when you sent it to me.
Totally okay! I made some big changes after I sent it to you with Anna's help. I posted it today because a certain someone ^^ got married this afternoon, so it was kind of a wedding gift for her.
Also, I promise I will actually reply to you soon. I hate the bar.
I know, right? I feel like I should get a prize for not spilling the beans.
No worries! I no longer expect any kind of promptness from anyone who just finished law school. That's you and a certain other person who got me hooked on Warehouse 13.
Haha yeeaaahhh this whole bar thing. It's a little soul-crushing.
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