so the show was pretty good, evergreen terrace did an awesome set and everyone was going off on it. remembering never did real good, and i wasn't too into the show that scarlet put on =/. on broken wings did a sick and set and we missed by death's design due to the fact we were drinking beer outside but they came out after the show and kicked it with us. all in all the show was sick and i got a few pics but its mostly all video, if anyone knows of a good host site i might be able to post them on leave a comment please. also there was a small fight that break out that was just sad, this little hardcore kid named gremlin strolled up and sucker punched some other kid and ran off as his buddys jumped the kid for him. definetly the saddest thing i've seen in a while, in all the mayhem some girl got punched in the face... not too hard but she still got popped once or twice =(. well here some pics from the show to tie you all over for now...
all of these were taken during evergreen terrace's set.