Feb 21, 2008 18:52
I'm so frustrated right now. I'm all different kinds of crippled! Firstly, my back, which I threw out last summer when I slipped doing kata on wet grass. Idiot I am, I kept going because my students were watching. Now, monthes later, it still acts up and I've been unable to work, train, or do anything other than schoolwork all week. I'm missing training AGAIN tonight. I only went one night last week, and I probably won't make it again this week. I trained on Tuesday, and I could barely make it through warmup. It was pathetic. So, instead of making it worse, I'm sitting at home thinking "hhmmm, 6:45, the kids are just finishing their warmup", knowing I'll torture myself with guilt until 9.
And, in case it wasn't obvious from my ranting of late, I'm on the PMS hormone trip from hell. I get fuckinig PMS like nobody's business. It often makes my back ache for a few days anyways, which is NOT helping right now. Then, as soon as I get my period, all the symptoms go away and I have an easy-breezy period. Dear God I'm weird.
Had another apartment fall through today. Ugh. What the hell am I going to do?
Hopefully all these symptoms go away before my big date tomorrow. It'll be exactly a month since Mark and I broke up tomorrow, which isn't long at all, but let's factor in that that relationship was over long before it was over. These days, I'm not as sad as I am.... homesick? I dunno. I miss a house that felt like home, and my kitties, and my comfy little rut that I'd dug for myself.
Anyways. Tomorrow night I'm going for coffee with Party Guy from last weekend. Hurray for progress.