Jun 20, 2004 23:34
Ever feel like shit for no apparent reason and dont know why? this is my second time writing in here today hmm maybe i have no life but i dont really care....since ive lived at my dads ive lost a lot of friends but i guess its showing who my real friends are and who really cares about me....
OKay so my moms new deal...
She calls me up today
"if i moved out of state would you stay or go"
i said "probably stay"
hah wrong answer she flipped....well gee because my job and i dont wanna change schools until i transfer..
then i ask where shes moving
She says "Texas"
WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!! Texas?? hahhahah funny yea me moving to texas i dont think so! She always has these new plans that she thinks is the one and only way and she gets them for me to and wants me to do that and only that and thinks thats the only way ill make it...
What else has happened....
I am being sent to a shrink hahah yep once again!
I gotta go this week and get a billion questions asked and blabla have someone tell me all the ways i am fucked up. Waste of money if you ask me....I am sorry but i dont think i am doing anything out of the norm for people my age...I quit drinking so i dont even do that, i dont come home later than like 12 30 now, i am gonna have more respect for myself in ways, so yea i dont see the big deal unless there is something i am missing??
Anyways enough about that....
Today at work i cut myself really bad......
They wanted me to go get it checked if i needed stitches but i didnt want to...but hmm do you need a tetnis (however you spell it) shot for cutting yourself with a knife? I never cut myself this bad it was nasty and it still is but oh well life goes on...I just laughed when i did it......
I just got home well to the home i am staying at from the gym with shanna.... I ran 4 miles thats alot for my lazy ass usually 2 and im done running then i do weights but not today...i wanted to work out hard. it was fun and i wanted to go back for more but i will tomorrow....
Well i think ive written enough ...... if you are reading this call me if you are bored and want to talk to someone cause well lately my friends have all disappeared from me....at least my cell phone bill wont be alot....so yea or if you ever wanna hang out ask me cause all i do now is work and go to the gym or sit on my fat ass so yea
well have a good night everyone BUHBYESSSS