Oct 01, 2006 21:54
So... its been a bit since i've posted- nothing new going on in life really... Except, Mom got in a car accident last week... she was rear-ended and it jarred her quite a bit. That night her arm/hand was tingly- I told her to go to the dr. cause of her history... she waited- until the back of her head felt heavy and numb... there was a lot of swelling in the base of her neck (they sent her straight to the ER for a CATscan because of her history) that was pinching a nerve... they gave her an anti-inflammatory... Two days later, though the swelling had decreased and she could feel her arm again, the dr. that's done her back surgeries, etc. did some x-rays and was concerned about what he saw in her neck- essentially a misplaced vertebrae, like she'd had in her lower back that causes her to be stooped the way she is... so he wants to do an MRI to make sure... if its what he thinks it is, she'll have to have neck surgery... the one part of her back that's been spared from being cut open on 3 different occassions... the one part of her spine that she can still move...
All the while, dad's in Maine for a month on sabbatical. Stuff's going well it seems, though because he's not the healthiest guy in the world (being a large guy) and accustomed to sitting at a desk all the time, I worry about him being alone in the middle of the woods, taking long walks (that he seems to keep getting lost on) by himself... Heh... he did get detained trying to reenter the US from Canada the other day though- they searched him and his car pretty thoroughly and ran a bunch of checks on him- he never did figure out what came up on their computer when he tried reentering, but they eventually let him go...
That's it. I'm just being the parental child, worrying about both mom and dad. All while trying not to lose my mind at school.