May 03, 2006 22:13
For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven... (Ecc. 3:1)
This is what I put on a "blurb" that Mum had me send out with graduation announcements. Not only is this the beginning of my favorite Bible passage, but its so true in life right now. Right now is a season of change... for myself, my friends, my family. It's a change I've spent a great deal of time and energy anticipating, fearing, fretting over, and looking forward to. I have a couple mini-papers to finish up tonight and tomorrow, packing of my car/checking out of my room, signing of my lease in Des Moines, and then walking across the stage at the UNI-dome in 3 days and then the last 4 years of my life is over. Poof! Its hard to grasp and wrap my mind around right now. It seems surreal.
And my last week of undergrad work almost ranks up there with some of the other craziness that's happened this year. I was at home this weekend, taking care of things when I get a call that Meg's in the hospital. Freaked me out enough that I came back to school right away and spent as much time as I could, trying not to bug her or her mom and get in the way, there. But she's home and feeling much better now, so yay! Love you Megs!
So anyway, I'm sure a longer and deeper post will be coming within the next month (hell, I'll have 2 weeks in des moines with no job, not knowing hardly anyone before school starts- I'll have plenty of time to contemplate life and pick lint out of my bellybutton)... twas just a quick update. Back to work now, as graduation looms.