Channel ID: 2143076930
Channel Name: Private Chat (Amonse)
Listener: Vicegrip
Session started: 2009.05.02 20:54:14
[ 2009.05.02 20:54:29 ] Amonse > this involves momlol too
[ 2009.05.02 20:54:31 ] Vicegrip > little busy Amonse. Whats up?
[ 2009.05.02 20:54:32 ] Amonse > now
[ 2009.05.02 20:54:37 ] Amonse > i found this link
[ 2009.05.02 20:54:45 ] Amonse >
http://nerd-man.livejournal.com/171425.html[ 2009.05.02 20:54:48 ] Amonse > well i didnt
[ 2009.05.02 20:54:50 ] Amonse > a corp mate found it
[ 2009.05.02 20:54:56 ] Amonse > i would liek it taken down
[ 2009.05.02 20:54:57 ] Vicegrip > it is the #2 result when you google your name
[ 2009.05.02 20:55:03 ] Vicegrip > I will not take it down.
[ 2009.05.02 20:55:05 ] Amonse > as you did not get my permission
[ 2009.05.02 20:55:07 ] Amonse > why not
[ 2009.05.02 20:55:19 ] Vicegrip > Because I want it to stay up
[ 2009.05.02 20:55:29 ] Amonse > do you relize here
[ 2009.05.02 20:55:36 ] Amonse > this is a breach in the EULA
[ 2009.05.02 20:55:41 ] Vicegrip > it is not
[ 2009.05.02 20:55:48 ] Amonse > you need both peopel to agree
[ 2009.05.02 20:55:55 ] Amonse > before posting it up
[ 2009.05.02 20:55:57 ] Amonse > so you checked eh
[ 2009.05.02 20:56:11 ] Vicegrip > quote the EULA passage that says its illegal.
[ 2009.05.02 20:56:20 ] Amonse > lemem go find it
[ 2009.05.02 20:56:22 ] Amonse > one moment please
[ 2009.05.02 20:56:40 ] momlol > -_-
[ 2009.05.02 20:57:37 ] Vicegrip > What's your role in this, momlol?
[ 2009.05.02 20:57:54 ] momlol > im a witness nuetral to both parties
[ 2009.05.02 20:57:58 ] Amonse > CCP representatives may monitor communications made by or received from you.
[ 2009.05.02 20:58:08 ] Amonse > so in other words
[ 2009.05.02 20:58:13 ] Amonse > you could get in trouble for this
[ 2009.05.02 20:58:16 ] Vicegrip > no lol
[ 2009.05.02 20:58:24 ] Vicegrip > in other words, CCP reserves the right to read what you say
[ 2009.05.02 20:58:43 ] Amonse > well bottom line is
[ 2009.05.02 20:58:48 ] Amonse > why did you put it up
[ 2009.05.02 20:58:57 ] Amonse > do you hate me that much now
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:02 ] Vicegrip > what are you talking about?
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:06 ] Amonse > to leak secure info
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:08 ] Vicegrip > its so Zar'ax can read it.
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:10 ] Vicegrip > secure info?
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:11 ] Amonse > i just wanna know why you posted it
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:21 ] Amonse > that to me counts as secure information
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:26 ] Amonse > he has read it correct?
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:31 ] Amonse > why not
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:35 ] Amonse > save the logs
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:39 ] Amonse > in your notepad
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:42 ] Amonse > and pull them up
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:45 ] Amonse > when you need them
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:48 ] Vicegrip > its more convenient to do it through browser
[ 2009.05.02 20:59:52 ] Vicegrip > what is your big issue with it?
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:00 ] Amonse > i do not want it through the browser
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:05 ] Amonse > it to me is secure information
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:10 ] Amonse > i do not want any of my past
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:14 ] Amonse > to be leaked
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:21 ] Amonse > i respect you that much
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:23 ] Amonse > i would never do that
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:32 ] momlol > amonse
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:41 ] momlol > evertyone knows ure past
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:41 ] Amonse > yes?
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:49 ] Amonse > not really
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:54 ] momlol > u lost a BS to a frig always in debt and likes running alliances
[ 2009.05.02 21:00:59 ] Amonse > my friends do
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:07 ] Amonse > ok so
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:08 ] Amonse > repo
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:12 ] Vicegrip > lol...
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:12 ] Amonse > and like 100 other peopel know
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:19 ] Amonse > i dont want the other 95% of eve to know
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:21 ] Amonse > fair?
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:28 ] Vicegrip > its not like my blog is famous and popular.
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:32 ] momlol > what about repo
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:37 ] Vicegrip > I really don't see why you're so panicked
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:48 ] Amonse > well i found it
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:52 ] Amonse > and it surprised me
[ 2009.05.02 21:01:59 ] Amonse > i mostly came here
[ 2009.05.02 21:02:05 ] Amonse > to see why you posted it
[ 2009.05.02 21:02:08 ] Amonse > and if youll take it down
[ 2009.05.02 21:02:11 ] Vicegrip > Amonse, everything you say to me _IS_ going to become public record.
[ 2009.05.02 21:02:24 ] Vicegrip > if you do not want what you say to be public record.... don't speak to me.
[ 2009.05.02 21:02:25 ] momlol > what
[ 2009.05.02 21:02:37 ] Amonse > that means you too momlol
[ 2009.05.02 21:02:39 ] Amonse > well then
[ 2009.05.02 21:02:49 ] Amonse > just dont post it on the web
[ 2009.05.02 21:02:50 ] momlol > well then if its gonna be in public ill say this then
[ 2009.05.02 21:02:52 ] Vicegrip > do you have a gaia profile? XD
[ 2009.05.02 21:02:56 ] Amonse > nope
[ 2009.05.02 21:03:10 ] momlol > Vice WTF thought we could trust you but you show ur true colors as a dumbass
[ 2009.05.02 21:03:15 ] momlol > and im out of this convo
[ 2009.05.02 21:03:19 ] Amonse > momlol
[ 2009.05.02 21:03:23 ] Amonse > /emote smacks forhead
[ 2009.05.02 21:03:27 ] Amonse > ignore him
[ 2009.05.02 21:04:01 ] Amonse > well
[ 2009.05.02 21:04:08 ] Amonse > in atleast a week
[ 2009.05.02 21:04:16 ] Amonse > please move it to somewhere else
[ 2009.05.02 21:04:26 ] Amonse > not under the tagline "amonse"
[ 2009.05.02 21:04:28 ] Amonse > if you could
[ 2009.05.02 21:04:32 ] Vicegrip > why?
[ 2009.05.02 21:04:58 ] Amonse > i might have people googlin me in the future
[ 2009.05.02 21:05:02 ] Amonse > =)
[ 2009.05.02 21:05:16 ] Amonse > but it makes me look like a pushover
[ 2009.05.02 21:05:20 ] Amonse > wich would get me deced
[ 2009.05.02 21:05:46 ] Vicegrip > Amonse.... do you think for one minute before you do anything?
[ 2009.05.02 21:06:10 ] Vicegrip > You're not a very good diplomat.
[ 2009.05.02 21:06:25 ] Vicegrip > You're not smart. You're not a scientist. You're not a doctor. You're not even a full time employee.
[ 2009.05.02 21:06:30 ] Amonse > all i asked is it to be removed
[ 2009.05.02 21:06:45 ] Vicegrip > your request is being denied.
[ 2009.05.02 21:06:47 ] Vicegrip > good day amonse