Dec 18, 2008 22:04
[02:28:16] PastyWhiteDevil > he was in a heron. a t1 caldari frig
[02:28:45] PastyWhiteDevil > i killed him in the hope that he wouldnt come back
[02:29:03] PastyWhiteDevil > cause he would have stolen millions more
[02:29:35] PastyWhiteDevil > they came to u like they were the victims right?
[02:29:44] Vicegrip > you could say that
[02:30:23] PastyWhiteDevil > when in all actuallity they provoked us and we decided to do something about it
[02:30:57] Vicegrip > I think you guys are at war with a whole corp and now a whole alliance over one dumb kid
[02:31:19] Vicegrip > did you ever talk to the CEO about this guy?
[02:31:26] Vicegrip > getting reparations in a diplomatic manner, etc?
[02:31:37] PastyWhiteDevil > yea we did
[02:31:48] Vicegrip > Asteri told you to F off basically?
[02:32:01] PastyWhiteDevil > however, in looking at their website, we saw that this is what these guys do
[02:32:18] PastyWhiteDevil > no they wanted to know how much money we wanted
[02:32:41] PastyWhiteDevil > we arnt pirates so we arnt gonna ransome a wardeck
[02:34:17] PastyWhiteDevil > and we we really didnt believe that they would punish him because they are pirates. why would they punish him for doing things that they as a corp condone?
[02:34:55] Vicegrip > but, now you're taking what is /mostly/ an assumption and rolling with it.
[02:35:14] Vicegrip > I don't think Asteri are pirates. If I did, I would have booted them from the alliance last night. That's not my game.
[02:35:20] PastyWhiteDevil > were you able to view the blogs?
[02:35:42] Vicegrip > I was
[02:35:49] Vicegrip > I'm not very convinced.
[02:36:22] PastyWhiteDevil > u dodnt find anything about they ransoming ppl or ganking supply lines?
[02:36:32] Vicegrip > that was one blog entry
[02:36:42] Vicegrip > and they answer to me now for their conduct.
[02:37:11] Vicegrip > Do you want reparations for the lost salvage? As their superior I feel its my duty to end this on a professional note
[02:37:17] PastyWhiteDevil > fine then its a wannabe pirate corp
[02:37:44] Vicegrip > I mean, what did you want out of this war dec?
[02:37:58] Vicegrip > what would have made you call it off between just you and Asteri?
[02:38:33] PastyWhiteDevil > we did it to make a point
[02:38:56] Vicegrip > your point still hasn't been made because Asteri can't even agree with themselves why you started this war
[02:39:16] PastyWhiteDevil > and to inconvenience them to some extent
[02:39:22] Vicegrip > to them, they still feel like its a random war dec. You do have a crazy warmonger name, "Mayhem Brothers"
[02:40:05] PastyWhiteDevil > they point is dont mess with/steal crap from us, cause we arnt just gonna lay down and take it
[02:40:20] PastyWhiteDevil > we actually want to be a merc corp
[02:40:40] PastyWhiteDevil > so yea we pvp, but we dont deck ppl for no reason
[02:41:08] PastyWhiteDevil > if we wanted to just kill things we would have just gone into low sec
[02:41:35] PastyWhiteDevil > so does that explain our name?
[02:41:43] Vicegrip > yeah lol
[02:42:07] Vicegrip > You know, sadly if it wasn't for this drama I would want to consider you guys to join the alliance
[02:42:21] Vicegrip > you just want a sovereign home and a way to make money, then PvP for fun
[02:42:32] PastyWhiteDevil > pretty much
[02:42:34] PastyWhiteDevil > but
[02:42:55] PastyWhiteDevil > at we are trying to contact the ex-MC member corps
[02:43:14] PastyWhiteDevil > and see if they wanted to possibly get something going again
[02:44:13] PastyWhiteDevil > our previous alliance was a bunch of miners and industrialist , and we were basically their military
[02:44:20] Vicegrip > well good on you. I hope you guys get what you're looking for.
[02:44:25] Vicegrip > but we're straying from the point.
[02:44:40] Vicegrip > What goal are you looking to meet to call this war finished?
[02:44:45] PastyWhiteDevil > ok thx, and yea we are
[02:45:36] PastyWhiteDevil > we basically just wanted to deck asteri for a week to make the point that i stated above
[02:47:11] PastyWhiteDevil > we also dont like ninja salvages, because our primary source of income is through mission running
[02:47:22] Vicegrip > so... formal appology... war reparitions... Xen's pod on a silver platter... etc?
[02:47:56] PastyWhiteDevil > im not sure id have to discuss it with the other directors
[02:48:38] Vicegrip > because.... on friendly terms I think both corps could use the PvP experience
[02:49:09] Vicegrip > but its my duty to wrap this up
[02:49:21] Vicegrip > we have bigger things to do than PvP frivilously in empire
[02:49:38] PastyWhiteDevil > yea the only reason we havnt engaged u head on is cause a lot of our members have things in rl going on and cant be on
[02:50:04] Vicegrip > and FYI, Mr BBQ is a pretty inept diplomat.... maybe he was just tired but trying to speak with him left a pretty bad taste in my mouth
[02:50:07] Vicegrip > you're a lot more elloquent
[02:50:32] PastyWhiteDevil > thank you.
[02:50:47] Vicegrip > I want this war to end.
[02:50:56] Vicegrip > My board of directors.... they're bloodthirsty assholes.
[02:51:03] Vicegrip > But that's okay, I hold the big red buttons
[02:51:05] PastyWhiteDevil > lol
[02:51:30] PastyWhiteDevil > yea. another thing for them to consider though
[02:52:14] PastyWhiteDevil > is if they want us to fight them in a fleet. they should consider a smaller fleet. we arnt gonna engage then 5 of us to 9 or 12 of them
[02:52:30] PastyWhiteDevil > thats not cowardly. thats just being smart
[02:52:39] Vicegrip > I concur
[02:55:03] Vicegrip > Once again, Echinsu Ocha....
[02:55:20] PastyWhiteDevil > what does that mean?
[02:55:32] Vicegrip > White Devil?!
[02:55:39] Vicegrip > Come on.
[02:55:45] PastyWhiteDevil > in what language?
[02:55:59] Vicegrip > whatever language that guy was speaking in ace Ventura: pet detective.
[02:56:05] Vicegrip > I guess that's not what your name is from.
[02:56:09] Vicegrip > Lol
[02:56:15] PastyWhiteDevil > oh yea that just crossed my mind lol
[02:56:23] PastyWhiteDevil > i remember now lol
[02:56:56] Vicegrip > ...eitherhow.
[02:57:27] Vicegrip > I'd like to just say, make your demands.
[02:57:38] Vicegrip > Because I'm just going to beat them out of Asteri Rising, lol
[02:57:51] PastyWhiteDevil > lol
[02:58:14] Vicegrip > but really, I'd like to wrap this up more or less, whatever you're looking to get, just lemme know so I can accelerate the process and we can get on with our other plans.
[02:58:18] PastyWhiteDevil > yea we basically just wanted asteri rising
[02:58:39] Vicegrip > I'm probably not going to get them to disband. Sorry. =/
[02:59:38] PastyWhiteDevil > is it possible that we could just go after them and as punishment u guys dont help?
[02:59:51] Vicegrip > so you just wanna kill a bunch of them?
[03:00:27] Vicegrip > no, I'm afraid in the name of diplomacy you're gonna have to choose something a little more civilized than that, lol
[03:00:34] PastyWhiteDevil > pretty much, or if they dont come out to fight, just chase them around so they cant make money for a week
[03:00:45] PastyWhiteDevil > lol
[03:01:21] PastyWhiteDevil > =(
[03:02:19] Vicegrip > If they boot the thieving fucker, would it satisfy your demands?
[03:03:11] PastyWhiteDevil > that may be a possibility
[03:03:21] PastyWhiteDevil > i know that id be hapy with that
[03:03:32] PastyWhiteDevil > but again its not just up to me
[03:03:32] Vicegrip > sleep on it. I'll talk to the Asteri leadership and we'll move from there.
[03:03:41] Vicegrip > Ask your guys, what could it hurt.
[03:03:41] PastyWhiteDevil > ok
[03:03:45] Vicegrip > Fly safe.
[03:03:50] PastyWhiteDevil > k u2