Sunburn Status report.
Swelling reduced. Not gone, but reduced considerably. Removing the constriction of my boots basically eliminated all pain. It did hurt all day, though. Its strange- it hurts to stand up and still, but sitting and walking are relatively painless. Besides the inflammation, which mostly just feels awkward. Switching to shorts after work gave my legs enough air.. pants basically insulated the heat back onto them. I'll estimate now, 3 to 5 days, which means I should be in fine condition to step off my homeward plane.
It looks really gruesome, not like sunburn anymore, but like a fiery burn. Though I suppose the difference is small. The blisters that were developing have kind of silently receded. Lots of purple and blue visible, like bruising, but in patches of fire truck red. Its interesting, I aught to take a picture.
It makes me feel like a masochist, I basically allowed my legs to be burned so badly because I enjoyed the thought of watching them heal. I have an awesome immune and repair system... I've always been very resilient from disease or injury. No reason to abuse it, though. Think I'm going to not make a foe of the sun from here on out >.o
I love this damn picture. /rofl