Jul 31, 2005 21:53
im home! im home! i didnt die, im home! woot for me(oh yea kt i went there) and i guess im tan hell yea bitches!! whos mexican now ya fucking crackers srry im agresive im lisening to mike jones(who mike jones!) lol ha ha im gansta! so i had a blast in v.a and thats so0o not in california of florida god i dont know how ppl graduate byron so dumb lol i love you still so today was fucking gay i was so0o happy to come home and see all my friends but i knew that i would retern to hell that pll call my house and i was right i have 2 pll come over and i have a rule where no one is allowd in my house when my rents are home and i knew that so i had them come in for a sec and when where in there for the sec my rents pull in and freak out and sent them home i was so0o pissed ggaahhh i wanted to just jump in kts car and tell her to peel out i know she would of too now thats some shit!!! but i saw destiny child in concert that was fucking awesome and i saw starting line in concert but it was all acustic (sp?) so i couldnt really rock out to that one! oh well and i was gonna see kelly clarkston but we went to a gay ass water park insted prf! thats was a dumb move i ened up flashing the damn lifegaurd he he call me for the story it was great to bad it was a chick and a patti kind of chick ya know the ones where you wanna check for testicals scars ha ha tomarrow im seeing rex oh my god im soo happy but im gonna tape him to something and take out that fucking anti brow thing ggaahh (sigh) i give up on that kid, plz do pll know that kid rock is not from detroit? if you didnt know that your gay hes from fucking warren soo many ppl in v.a asked my if i ever saw kid rock in detroit god damnit ppl are just gay huh? there were hot too what a waste ha ha oh well well glade to be home bye!!!