wow -- new chapter!

Aug 13, 2005 01:18

I have a new chapter out; I know it’s about bloody time! And to think I used to post chapters up virtually every week, all I can do is apologise and give the over used excuse of real life having been incredibly busy over the last year for both me and my beta. But unfortunately it is true, as I know it is for many people.

But enough about me whinging because there are more important things, like where to find the new chapter and what its all about. I should warn you this is a very talkie chapter, and has virtually no action in it. I don’t know if some of you will remember, but a few chapters ago Voldemort made a comment about how it was a pain Severus had “That damn vampire protection,” well that little throw away sentence is going to be fully explained in this chapter. So it has lots of vampire action in it…… no its nothing dodgy I’m afraid, just lots of Nikolai and a few of his friends.

Now if you like you an read it at either of the following places as there is no ratings restriction on this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy.

ink stained fingers

or if you prefer;

I hope you like the chapter and that it has been worth the wait, take care guys, nerd-girl.
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