It's like one big long day....but it's okay,

Jul 20, 2009 09:35

I haven't slept much over the past several nights. It's mainly my own fault, though I am going through one of my phases where I tend to wake up every hour or so.

Despite the lack of sleep and a six day headache, I'm doing pretty okay.

Guess I should explain the headache thing, first. (It's not a tumah!)

Wednesday I opened at work. When I woke I felt odd but was running on automatic so I got around and went to work.

While going through the opening process for the store, I realized I kept making really stupid mistakes. Ones that I wouldn't normally make, even while running on auto pilot that early in the morning. On top of that, I just kept feeling more and more odd and dizzy.

Finally decided that as soon as the store manager came in, I was going to take off, which would have been around noon or 1PM.

Well, around 8AM one of the assistant store managers came in for an office day. I told him I was going to take off as soon as the store manager came in for her closing shift because I felt strange.

He ended up letting me go home then because he didn't have much planned for his office day and one of the other merchandise managers was coming in for her office day too.

Good thing too, that I got to leave when I did. About an hour after getting home, I was hit with a full blown migraine. I just instantly went to sleep and slept the entire day.

That's only the second migraine I've ever had. I usually get tension headaches, which suck in their own right, but the first and only other migraine I had was five years ago.

The problem I have when I get any type of headache is that they last for days. Granted it's not a migraine anymore, but having a headache for almost a week is a royal pain in the ass.

Fortunately, I can keep it down to a mild roar with just regular asprin.

What'll really help is getting my sleep schedule back on track. I'm within a day of being able
to do that. It's going to be a real shock to my system, but it needs done.

Today was one of those screwy work days. I had to be at the store at 7AM for the managers' meeting, then myself and one of the other merch managers will be back there at 6PM for an 'overnight.'

I use the term loosely here, because it'll probably be more like we'll be out of there by midnight at the latest.

Tomorrow I'm closing, and then Wednesday is when the kicker will be, because I open. Lotsa coffee on that day!!!

Last Thursday, hobbitgal came up to visit. I hadn't seen her in year. We had a lot of fun on our day out. We went shopping, hitting up Best Buy (hooray for the Michael Jackson CD!), Borders and Target. The we went to Applebee's for supper (thanks again for supper Azzie!) and Cold Store Creamery for desert.

Afterward, we headed over to the movie theater and saw a late showing of the new Harry Potter movie. Which is awesome!

Then we came back to the Barnes and Noble parking lot, which is where my truck was parked and ended up talking until 2AM! :-)

I'm so glad I got to see you again, Azzie! And we definitely need to hang out again soon! :-)
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