I've been trying to make good use of my unemployed time. The first few days after I got fired the weather was gorgeous, so I went for a walk to a nearby lake I had always wanted to check out but never got around to doing:
It was beautiful, and it only took 40 minutes to walk there! A lot of times we feel compelled to go to distant, exotic destinations to "get away," but we often take what we have nearby for granted.
I've also been clearing out stuff I've got stored in my mom's storage room:
You can't tell so much in the pictures, but I think I've made considerable progress, around 2 medium sized boxes less than before. I scanned a bunch of photos and papers and recycled them (also recycling a lot that I didn't scan), put some TV recordings from VHS tapes onto DVDs, and donated a few things.
And now I'm in Houston visiting friends and family. I hadn't been here in a little over a year, and I'm glad I came, but also glad that I waited so long to come back. Little by little I'm realizing that we're all going our own separate ways, and I'm learning to accept that and be happy for all of us. Ideally I'd love to keep in touch with everyone I love forever, but if it doesn't happen I can't be upset about it. (Perhaps the fact that I've made new friends in Seattle has helped spur these feelings.)
I love what getting rid of stuff and listening to my instinct is doing to me; I feel lighter and happier, and like I'm going in the right direction.