Aug 16, 2004 01:48
I think I found something that I was not looking for
I think its going to make my life much more complicated
I think I like what I have found
I think I like life to be complicated
I think I like to feel pain
I think I like you feel you
I think this is nothing but random thoughts
I think its making me feel better inside
I think I know who I am
I think I don't like who I am
I think I am happy being someone else
I don't know who you are
I think I don't want to find out
I think I wrote it this way so you don't read it
I think that I can't take writing like this anymore
Maybe by now you realize.. I am at a fork in the road.. or maybe not a fork.. but the leafs of the trees surrounding the road changed colors. I had my life simple and I made it crazy again.. why?! I think subconsciously I like life to be mad.. I like life to not quite make sense. On the same level.. maybe a level parallel to it.. or even a bit more of a crooked level.. or maybe the original level is crooked and this one is straight.. err anyway.. on this level.. I believe that I want my life simple.. and not have to worry about a soul.. I stare at a rabbit outside grazing on the grass and I want to be that rabbit.. no worries in the world.. Now..
I think I don't want to understand..
so I think I will end this right here and now.. its been nice to breath through my musky mold infested filter leading its way to the outside world.
P,S, I am not a selfish person.. just now I sacrificed my good name to help someone understand themselves.. weather they will look at me the same ever again I don't know.. but I am not selfish..