1st call back

May 09, 2013 11:46

I have my first ever phone interview for a job on Tuesday.
For an inventory position at UNM's Bookstore.
I am pretty hopeful as the person on the phone
recognized the poet stuff on my resume,some of my ABQ references
& that she just did a book signing event with Hakim (who
will gladly provide a reference). So, good signs.

fucking scary.

I don't have the loot or logistics quite worked out to move
and my timeline might be kind of skewed from when they'll need
a person to start.

It will also be a group interview with three people,
two whoa re not who I talked to.

I am trying to remind myself
One Bridge At A Time
One Step At A Time.

If it is right, the way will be made for it.
If it is not right, move on.
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