Getting "Yelled" At

Oct 20, 2006 16:21

Okay, so when I got into Work this past Friday, I was greeted by an email in my inbox asking about my sending of email over the weekend. Here's a nice little box that the administrator (Tom G. from CIS for those who are interested) sent me:

Host/Domain Summary: Messages Received

msg cnt   bytes   host/domain

-------- -------  -----------

125555   288377k  bowzer.tamu.eduBackground:

Over the previous weekend I had established a really cool auto populating script that would help to automatically populate the Keystone test database with "hopefully" 300K+ emails so that I could have a nice amount of data to test Keystone with (as compared to our current test server with <800 slips in it - not a representative amount compared to production.

I'll post the scripts here in a moment, but this email didn't frustrate me. It was the email thereafter which did:

Hi Chris,

While it may add variety, it really isn't an appropriate use of the

University relays.  Please don't do this anymore.  You could have also

gotten variety by using aliases at a directly routeable host.  Thank you!


Christopher Weldon wrote:

> > Tom Golson wrote:

>> >> Hi Chris,

>> >>     You came up in this morning's log report as having sent over 125,000

>> >> messages through the relays yesterday.  Mind if I ask what's going on?

>> >> Thanks!

>> >>

>> >> --Tom

>> >>

>> >>

>> >> Host/Domain Summary: Messages Received

>> >>  msg cnt   bytes   host/domain

>> >>  -------- -------  -----------

>> >>  125555   288377k

>> >>

> >

> > I'm populating my keystone test database. All messages are coming from

> > the system and going back to the system, but many of the automatic

> > replies are going to my various aliases such as '',

> > '', which end up going back to the system. It adds a

> > little variety to the slips I'm creating.

Much to his dismay, I ended up using several "local" aliases so that mail wouldn't be bounced off the relays. However, this weekend script (which was going to take 7 days to produce 300K+ emails) didn't go as expected, because the database maxed out @ 4GB. So, once I remade the database with the new limit in the dozens of Terabytes range, I needed to populate it really quickly. Thus, I ran about 20 threads of the script offset in 1 second increments with no more 5 second delay between processing. This started to populate the database VERY quickly, but also ate system resources like no other!

So, in all, about 700K+ emails were generated from my host, and as can be seen, 125K made it to the TAMU relays. My opinion: Big deal. The relays are used for sending messages out, and any administrator would realize that a "properly configured" (something that never happens @ TAMU) mail relay will be able to handle TONS of traffic. Additionally, WAY more SPAM goes through the mail relays (in the millions per day) than that and at least I was using the relays to actually do work, as opposed to appeasing my own hobbies. Thus, this should have been considered an "acceptable use of the relays". All in all, I don't like being talked down to by an administrator that has enough problems on his own trying to keep the damn relays from failing.

But, I guess one thing that's cool out of this entire thing: I beat out Facebook on the number of emails through the relay. :-D


The way these scripts work is that it has an array of sources, from emails, and to emails to choose from. The "randomness" is really only pseudo-random numbers generated with PHP's rand() function. The sources, are fortune, Local files, Cached News Stories from RSS Feeds, and a few other things.




# mass_mailer_script.php


# Created by: Christopher Weldon


# Purpose: To use a variety of different "from" addresses

# and mass-mail Keystone to populate it's database in a quick manner.



ini_set('error_reporting', 2047);

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$feedcache = array();

function getArticleFromFeeds() {

global $feedcache;

// Listing of Feeds I'd like to retrieve from

$feeds = array(

















// Figure out which one we want to use

$chosen_feed = $feeds[rand(0,(sizeof($feeds)-1))];

echo "Chosen feed is: ".$chosen_feed."\n";

if (array_key_exists($chosen_feed, $feedcache) && sizeof($feedcache) > 0) {

echo "Using the cached feed.\n";

$article = $feedcache[$chosen_feed][rand(0,(sizeof($feedcache[$chosen_feed])-1))];

return $article;

} else {

// Open the feed using fopen

$feed = fopen($chosen_feed, "r");

if (!$feed) {

echo "There was a problem opening the feed!\n";




// download and parse RSS data

$rss =& new XML_RSS($chosen_feed);


// print headlines

// print_r($rss->getItems());

$articles = $rss->getItems();



echo "Caching the feed.\n";

$feedcache[$chosen_feed] = $articles;

return $articles[rand(0,(sizeof($articles)-1))];



function gen_email() {

$from_addresses = array(

'Christopher Weldon ',

'Chris Weldon ',

'Chris Test ',

'Chris IEEE ',

'Christopher Michael Weldon ',

'Bowzer ',

'Neraath ',

'Test User ',

'Boy George ',

'Funny Man ',

'Piece O\'Cake 

'Hooba Stank ',

'Metallica ',

'Evanescence ',

'Gateway Computer ',

'Beta Rocker '


$to_addresses = array(

'HDC ',

'Keystone ',

'Operations-Keystone ',

'Network Group ',

'SPAM Keystone ',

'Fake '


$sources = array(












// First, figure out the source

$source = $sources[rand(0,(sizeof($sources)-1))];

list($type,$loc) = explode(':', $source);

switch($type) {

case 'file':

$subject = 'Contents of '.$loc;

$body = file_get_contents($loc, false);

$must_be_to = '';


case 'feed':

$ret_data = $loc();

$subject = $ret_data['title'];

$body = strip_tags($ret_data['description']);

if (array_key_exists('dc:creator', $ret_data)) {

$author = $ret_data['dc:creator'];



case 'exec':

$subject = 'A new fortune for you on '.time();

$body = shell_exec($loc);



echo "Could not determine type!\n";



// Assemble the message

if (isset($author)) {

$from = $author.' ';

} else if (isset($must_be_from)) {

$from = $must_be_from;

} else {

$from = $from_addresses[rand(0,(sizeof($from_addresses)-1))];


$headers =      'From: '.$from."\r\n".

'X-Mailer: PHP/'.phpversion()." \r\n".

'X-Comment: Created from mass_mailer_script.php'."\r\n";

if (isset($must_be_to)) {

$to = $must_be_to;

} else {

$to = $to_addresses[rand(0,(sizeof($to_addresses)-1))];


echo "The following message: \n".

"\tFrom: ".$from."\n".

"\tTo: ".$to."\n".

"\tSubject: ".$subject."\n";

if (mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) {

echo "was sent successfully!\n\n";

} else {

echo "was unsuccessful!\n\n";


//      sleep(5);



for ($i = 0; $i < 30000; $i++) {






function get_article_from_feeds() {

// Listing of Feeds I'd like to retrieve from

$feeds = array(

















// Figure out which one we want to use

$chosen_feed = $feeds[rand(0,(sizeof($feeds)-1))];

echo "Chosen feed is: ".$chosen_feed."\n";

// Open the feed using fopen

$feed = fopen($chosen_feed, "r");

if (!$feed) {

echo "There was a problem opening the feed!\n";




// download and parse RSS data

$rss =& new XML_RSS($chosen_feed);


// print headlines

// print_r($rss->getItems());

$articles = $rss->getItems();

return $articles[rand(0,(sizeof($articles)-1))];



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