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I don't know how to do that gay ass lj code shit. So fuck you faggots.
Story From Fallujah
"Did anybody else read the story about the sniper team (two spotters, two snipers) working in 12-hours shifts for a week straight on a roof in Fallujah. They positioned themselves outside insurgent strongholds. Whenever a car would approach and people would get out, they'd drop whomever exited the vehicle and anybody in the vehicle. In one instance noted by the journalist who was embedded, the driver fell onto the horn of the vehicle after being sniped. When two men came out of the stronghold to get their bodies for burial, they were dropped. So now they had five insurgent bodies (one in the driver's seat, one in the passenger seat, the passenger in the car who got out and the two guys who came out to get the bodies) lying dead on the ground with the horn wailing. After awhile the car battery apparently died so the horn stopped, but after two days the bodies started to smell. So after three days, two more guys came out to get the dead bodies and they were dropped. This went on and on for a few more days until the insurgents - five or six remaining - came out of the 'stronghold' and surrendered. They told the interrogators they couldn't stand the smell of their comrades rotting in the street nor the sight of their decaying bodies any longer."