Apr 25, 2004 02:02
Haha...I almost drooled while laughing at some of the quotes on Steph's site. Ok, ok..I did drool. What's your point? After looking at your own im convo, Adam, I think you can understand why I'm not too thrilled at the prospect of getting stoned with you this summer. ^,^ I make enough of a fool of myself as it is. Not that you made a fool of yourself or anything. Hehe--you were cute as hell.
It's highly amusing how much technology tends to hate me. Especially temperature-controlling technology. Now, I know was extremely lucky to get a room with air conditioning at all but here's the funny part--out of all of the rooms in the hotel, I have to be in the ONE where the cooling system breaks. All (or most) of the other rooms are fine, but NOOOO Jasna's not allowed to have a normal functioning air conditioner. EVER. But hey..I'm not complaining, I know a lot of you don't even have the capabilities to cool your room in such a manner. So it's all good.
And my tv somehow managed to break as well, though I have felt no remorse at all. Good riddance. It would only add to the hot hot HEAT and sweating.
I visited a place called the grove and farmers market yesterday. I got some crepes (mmm) and spent some time in the 2-story Victoria's Secret, haha. I accidentally stumbled upon Ethiopia Town, but it was already getting dark, and once again, I failed to get back home before nightfall. But then I always consider the 1964 incident in New York with Kitty Genovese and think, hey-even if there were tons of poeple around, I could still get stabbed 35 times or so. Hell, even if it were daylight. (A girl got raped at 3pm a couple of blocks down a little while ago)
Stephanie and Adam are extremely cute. A quote from Adam's journal a looong time ago:
"I probably deserved it when she [Stephanie] threw me against the lockers."
They're more amusing than GOD ^_^