May 10, 2005 13:45
I don't have much to say. Everythign is going ok with shcool i think I'm going to pass all my classes x.x i did reallyw ell in math. On the down side my dad was laid of from his job today. Things aren't going to well at home at the moment. My mom wants to fix up the hosue and sell it and move us to indiana. I ofcourse would have tog o with them caus ehtere no way I could live on my own. Besides what would ahppen to me if the base closed down and i lost my job? i doubt it will but you never know. Well We're probably going to be talking about this lay off when i get home from school. My mom has known about this for a while and my dad's been reallyc rankya dn taking it out on her. she almost left and went to her sisters for a while. Thats one of the main reasons she wants to move to indiana is to be around our family. both my mom and my dads side live there and the area is a little better than where we live now. My mom doesnt want to be here if the base closes because all the base housing will turn into low income housing. The reaosn for the lay off sis becaus ethe company myd ad worked for is moving otu of the us becaus ethey are losing money here. everything seems to be going to shit o.O
Well time to go to class.