I have made a fanvid, something I never in a trillion years thought I would. It started off as something fun to pass the time, and evolved into a ridiculous many-month-long obsession... It's my first, so if it truly sucks, please use some sparkling little euphemistic phrase like my Manual Arts teacher did in eighth grade: she tries VERY hard.:)
Song: Sleepy Little Deathtoll Town
Artist: The Panda Band
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Size: 23.7MB
Summary: A Neptune vid, or a Duncan/Logan/Veronica ensemble vid - take your pick. It all started with the song, which just SCREAMED "I AM NEPTUNE" - a shiny veneer hiding a seething Hellmouth of darkness and corruption... General spoilers for all of Season 1.
It rains down so damn hard in this city,
Don't it cleanse our souls man?
Don't they shine pretty like a crown?
In my sleepy little deathtoll town.
Please follow me...