Title: Children of the Revolution
Song/Band: Children of the Revolution - Bono, Gavin Friday, and Maurice Seezer
Characters: V/L/D and some Lilly
Episodes: All of Season 1
Link/Size: (28 MB)
Rapid Share -
http://rapidshare.de/files/3242820/Revolution.wmv.html Notes: This video is a little different than the others I've done. I've used more effects and tried to show little glimpses of what life has been like for V/L/D since Lilly died. My vid's are usually fluffier, so I'm not sure how this will be received. Please leave feedback, because I genuinely want to know if people like this type of vid or not. If not, I'll go back to the fluff! Thanks.
ETA: Based on some of the comments I've received, I made a few adjustments to the original video and uploaded a new version. Check it out again if you like. No big deal, just did it for my own piece of mind. Some things were just bugging me.