In case you haven't seen in another VM community or on Veoh or on MySpace, they are holding an official recap contest at
the Veronica Mars Channel on Veoh. Check it out.
The rules state no clips, images, or sounds from the show, which ups the difficulty, but we are a creative bunch. Let's get something up there! I posted
a totally lame review
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It's your time to shine. After each show we want you to create your own recap clips. You can recap any episode of the season and here's how:
1. has to be under two minutes
2. can't use any images/sounds from the show
3. needs to be one show recap per clip
4. needs to be tagged with "episode" and the number, i.e. "episode 3".
You still can't use the show stuff, but you can recap anything, which is a bit better than 1 week to get the most recent episode done and receive lots of hits.
Seriously, this *is* pretty challenging. Especially if you do not have your own camera equipment, other VM fans around you, etc. I hope they realize that. (I'm sure they do.)
There are definitely other ways people could do this. Get some of those drama majors on campus together and mime out the key events, make it a silent movie with the text cards and dramatic music; someone with actual drawing talent could draw up the characters and do a stills recap; or someone really talented could do it in Flash. I am sure there are a lot of ways to do it, but at the moment, people seem stuck.
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